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Signals Intelligence
SouthTech Systems provides equipment, training, and exercise support with 25 years of experience behind us.

Ampex create mission data recorders, processors, and storage devices across military, government, aerospace and space sectors. Data types managed include EW/ISR, Mission Data, EO/IR, and much more.

World-class SCEPTRE software for receiver-agnostic SIGINT/COMINT/ELINT/TSCM. Turnkey systems available. New standard for AUKUS SIGINT capability.

Omnisig, Deepsig's flagship product, recognises signals with AI/machine learning, and can be taught to automatically recognise any signal. Models can be trained with Omnisig Studio, an advanced AI/ML training tool, and results can be analysed with Deepsig's analytics tool. Omnisig plugs into 3dB Labs' software for automated workflows made smoother by signal identification.

ECS supply the highest quality military transport cases for equipment, including slide-out rackmount cases for storing and moving electronic equipment.

HF and V/UHF radio digital signals analysis and decoding software

Antenna tracking and positioning up to E-band (90GHz) antennas of 1-12ft. Integrated with 3dB Labs' software.

High-performance specialty mixer components, assemblies, and instrumentation for demanding RF/microwave transmitters and receivers

Praxis Products develop specialized security products focused in identifying and locating unauthorized wireless devices.

Handheld compact spectrum analysers, 10MHz to 87GHz. Wireless and microwave links and radios for outdoors, long distance, indoors, and high bandwidth applications.

Universal Switching Corporation manufactures state-of-the-art programmable switching systems for use in the ATE, communication, telemetry and video broadcast industries.
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